Friday, September 18, 2009

Route 66

We decided to take a drive down Route 66 and found this great place called Pops!  It is a cafe/soda shop.  It is in the middle of fields of corn and looks like it's shooting up out of the earth.

We didn't get to see if but they say that the soda bottle and straw are neon lights and is a real sight to see at night.  I think my kids thought they could climb it.

We wanted to eat there but there was a line out the door.  So, the kids spent a fortune and picked out 6 different kinds of soda -- I think one of them was cotton candy  ewwwww.  They have special 6 packs with their logo printed on it (of course)!  We could no longer afford to eat dinner and had to drive home!!  Kidding but it felt that way at the register   cha ching  I mean   cha ching

It was way worth the trip and way worth the stop.  The kids still have their empty bottles sitting in their window ledges and are chomping at the bit to go back!

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